“Impossible is only two letters from possible and you do not need sight to have vision.”
In celebration of the International Day of People with Disability this Friday, and with Disability Action Week starting next Monday, our outgoing Treasurer, Mitree Vongphakdi, sat down for a chat with UQ Law's very own academic, former athlete, and all-round legend, Associate Professor Paul Harpur.
Unprecedented delays now plague the parole system in Queensland, resulting in unjustified financial cost to the State, and undeserved human cost to communities. Urgent action is needed to rectify this problem. Failing to intervene would lead the criminal justice system to a breaking point.
In light of the development of COVID-19, stringent measures such as self-isolation and quarantine regulations have been put in place in order to minimise human contact and therefore slow down the spread of the virus. However, such circumstances seem to be a significant factor in the increasing number of domestic violence cases.
It is important to keep in mind that although indoor spaces like our homes may be a threat-free zone to many of us, we must recognise and acknowledge that it may not be a safe zone for all individuals.
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