If you are just starting your UQ Law journey, this event is a great one to attend. All of UQ’s law societies will be participating in a panel discussion to show you how we can help make your law school experience as fun and fulfilling as possible. Come along to say hi!

The location of this event is TBC, but we will let you know as soon as we have more details.


Our friendly executive team will be running a stall at BELfest on 18 February from 11am to 3pm. BELfest is a fun, festival style event with plenty of food vendors, music, entertainment, games and prizes. Visiting our stall is a great chance to learn more about JATL, see what events we will be running this year, and sign up as a member.


Interested in learning more about JATL, meeting our team, and signing up as a member? Our Market Day stall is the perfect place for you (and as a bonus, we’ll have some tasty snacks and cold drinks to hand out on the day). See you there!