Pandora's Box is JATL’s annual academic journal. It has been published annually since 1994, so has recently celebrated its 30th anniversary. The journal aims to bring academic discussion of legal, social justice and political issues to a wider audience. Pandora’s Box is not so named because of the classical interpretation of the story: a woman’s weakness and disobedience unleashing evils on the world. Rather, we regard Pandora as the heroine of the story, and like Pandora, we encourage readers to delve into complex and challenging topics with an open and inquisitive mind - as that is what the legal mind should be.




2024 - TheN AND NOW (30th Anniversary Edition)

Over the last three decades, much about the law, its application, and surrounding social context has changed, and much has remained the same. This year’s edition offers insights into how we arrived at the status quo and what the future might look like across a range of pressing issues.


Asha Varghese  Samuel Vecchi  Nickolas Sofios


Ms. Matilda Alexander   Mr. Andrew Boe Ms. Jilly Field The Honourable Catherine Holmes AC SC The Honourable Patrick Keane AC KC  Mr. Stephen Keim SC  The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG Dr. Russell Marks Mr. Scott McDougall  Dr. Chris McGrath  The Honourable Dr. Kevin Rudd AC Ms. Rosalind Williams OAM



This year’s theme, ‘The Law and The Layperson,’ delves into the everyday interactions between individuals without a professional background in the law, and the legal system.


Samuel Vecchi  Anna Harisson


Professor Rick Bigwood Professor Margaret Thornton   Ms. Faye Austen-Brown   Ms. Megan Mahon   The Honourable Wayne Martin AC KC   Ms. Margaret Castles   Mr. Stan Winford   Mr. Stephen Grace   Mr. Nickolas Sofios


2022 - Poverty and the Law in Australia

The theme for this edition of Pandora’s Box is ‘Poverty and the Law in Australia’. This edition broadly considers the question of poverty and sets out to investigate what the law can and should do about it.


Asha Varghese  James Arthur


The Honourable Ronald Sackville AO KC Professor Tamara Walsh   The Honourable Margaret McMurdo AC   Bridget Burton   Russell Solomon   Karyn Walsh AM   Dr Lyndal Sleep   Debbie Kilroy OAM   William Mitchell OAM   Julian Porter 


2021 - Unsustainable practices: Law and the environment


Thomas Moore  Rachna Nagesh


The Honourable Justice Brian Preston  The Honourable President Fleur Kingham  Cr Jonathan Sri  Professor Lee Godden  Professor Sue Jackson  Associate Professor Melissa Castan Associate Professor Kate Galloway Dr Kamalesh Adhikari Dr Emma Carmody   Dr Johnathan Fulcher Dr Lana Hartwig Dr David J. Jefferson Dr Chris McGrath Associate Professor Justine Bell-James Associate Professor Bridget Lewis Harry Jonas


2020 - The law and the human condition

This edition seeks to explore law as a human endeavour by examining the psychological and philosophical underpinnings of various aspects of the law. It is only by viewing the law as a creation of human ingenuity that we can seek to enhance the good achieved by legal institutions, and to reform and transform those laws which do not promote justice.


Heidi Moc  Lilian Burgess  Rory Brown  Tian Behenna Melanie Karibasic  Mitree Vongphakdi


Emeritus Professor Arie Frieberg  Professor Jeremy Gans  Professor Kieran Tranter  Dr Holly Doel-Mackaway Robyn Bradey  Madeleine Castles   Carly Dennis Kieran Pender Emma Phillips

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The title of the 2018 issue of Pandora’s Box was chosen to acknowledge the status of Indigenous people as the first people of not only Australia, but of many different countries around the world. Contrary to the historical marginalisation of the perspectives, law and sovereignty of Indigenous people, this edition seeks to place their experiences at the centre of our examination of the law.


Molly Thomas  Julius Moller


Judge Nathan Jarro  Ken Taylor  Associate Professor Asmi Wood  Associate Professor Claire Charters Alison Whittaker  Dr Anthony Hopkins   Dr Bryan Keon-Cohen AM QC  Associate Professor Thalia Anthony  Benjamin Teng   Sophie Ryan   Jocelyn Bosse Samantha O’Donnell

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2017 - War and pieces

The 2017 issue of Pandora's Box explores issues in the law of armed conflict. Covering difficult topics from the rules of engagement, to changing political climates and contemporary humanitarian responses, this 2017 issue is a detailed and considered examination of the extremes of human behaviour.


Samantha Johnson  Eloise Gluer


The Hon Dean Mildren AM RFD QC Christine Smyth Professor Dale Stephens Professor Penelope Mathew  Professor Peter Stone OBE Assistant Professor Mahdev Mohan Dr Alison Pert  Associate Professor Peter Billings Damian Copeland and Luke Reynoldson Kevin Boreham Erin Germantis Alexander White and Matthew Paterson  Fauve Kurnadi

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2016 - Law & Technology

With the exponential rise of technology in the modern world, so we are increasingly forced to adapt to greater capabilities and a faster pace of life. The 2016 edition of Pandora's Box sought to examine the ways in which the law has dealt with some of the challenges presented by constantly evolving technologies. 


Michael Potts  Madeleine Gifford


Professor Stuart Hargreaves  Associate Professor Marie-Helen Maras • Fabian Horto  Keith Kaplan • Associate Professor Xingan Li • Stephen Mason • Dr Matthew Rimmer • Professor Anne Wallace • Professor Zheng Sophia Tang and and Xu Lu • Associate Professor Elizabeth Siew-Kuan Ng • Professor Bryan Mercurio • Professor Brad Sherman • Professor Megan Richardson • Eliza Mik • Professor Burkhard Schafer • Angus Fraser (Essay Competition Winner)

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2015 - Crime, justice & the people

In 2015, the theme of Pandora's Box was 'Crime, Justice and the People'. This edition sought to examine the citizens who make up the system and those who are affected by it. Marginalised groups, victims, juries and criminal lawyers themselves all received treatment in this volume.


Michael Potts  Wendy Pei


Professor Simon Bronitt   Professor Heather Douglas • Professor Jane Goodman-Delahunty  Associate Professor Tamara Walsh  Dr Tyrone Kirchengast  Rebecca Wallis and April Chrzanowski  Soraya Ryan QC  Mr Greg Barns (Tas Bar)  Mr Stephen Keim SC (Qld Bar) and Ms Bridget Armstrong (ALHR)  Ms Melinda Taylor (ICC)  Simon Lamb  Sam Walpole

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2014 - Law, Liberties and Rights

In a nation where our constitutional structure is not framed in terms of express individual rights, the need to vigilantly uphold law, liberties and rights is particularly significant. The 2014 issue of Pandora's Box combines a domestic evaluation of the Australian civil liberty and human rights experience with a number of diverse comparative international contributions.


Alasdair McCallum  Tristan Pagliano


Walter Sofronoff QC  Peter Callaghan SC  Professor Steven Freeland  Professor James Allan  Associate Professor Anna High  Dr Rebecca Ananian-Welsh  Mandy Lim, Rebecca Chong and Dr Mark Burdon  Dan Rogers  Joseph Lelliott  Dr Jonathan Fulcher on Native Title Law  Dr Jo Bird  William Isdale

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2013 - A Trip Abroad

In 2013, Pandora's Box took its readers on 'A Trip Abroad', with an international and comparative law theme. The volume featured a wide range of contributions, from cultural heritage law to the French criminal justice system. Inside, you will find a variety of insights from highly distinct and equally distinguished voices - taking readers to the high seas, the streets of Paris, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, the Niger River delta, the high-rise firms of Japan, the Pyramids of Giza, and around the globe again many times over.


Samel Walpole  Allister Harrison


Professor Sarah Derrington  Professor Donald Rothwell  The Hon Justice James Douglas  Professor Hilary Charlesworth  Dr Warren Swain  Paul Kettle  Professor Gillian Triggs  Jonathan Kolieb  Eve Massingham  Associate Professor Leon Wolff  Associate Professor Craig Forrest  Jordan Sosnowski   Lauren Dancer

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2012 - Law, People and Politics

In our 2012 edition, Pandora’s Box got political! In the pages herein you’ll find articles, interviews and book reviews about the history and future of the referendum; about political finance law and potential reforms; about the High Court’s Mabo judgment and the native title system; about Australia’s first female High Court Justice and how she viewed the law as a tool for achieving social justice; about deliberative democracy and the rule of law; and much, much more.


Samel Walpole  William Isdale


Professor George Williams  Ms Pamela Burton  Dr Bryan Keon-Cohen AM QC  Dr Ron Levy  Andrew Fraser  Professor Charles Sampford  Professor Graeme Orr  Dr Joo-Cheong Tham  Ms Laura Hilly

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2011 - Law as it is, and as it ought to be

In our 2011 edition, Pandora's Box explores the complex tension between the slow evolution of black letter law and the relatively swift progression in social morality. Contributors this year were invited to explore whether reform can ever keep up with public sentiment - and more importantly, should it?


Samand Hooshmand  William Isdale


Prof. Mark Murphy   Dr. Jonathan Crowe  Assoc. Prof. Graeme Orr   Asst. Prof. Dan Priel   The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG   Ms. Kyla Reid  Ms. Seone Woolf  Dr. Amelia Brown   Mr Michael Phillis   Ms. Alejandra Mancilla

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2010 - Dissenting opinions

The 2010 edition of Pandora's Box, “Dissenting Opinions”, represents a departure from the norm. To honour the retirement in 2009 of The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, renowned as “The Great Dissenter,” instead of focussing the edition on a specific issue, we invited submissions on a wide range of legal and social issues, but with an emphasis on submissions that presented unorthodox or challenging perspectives.


Samuel Volling   Joshua Underwood


The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG   Assoc. Prof. Kerrie Sadiq  Rod Morgan • Dr Taiji Watanabe  Paul Smith  Tracy Lau  David Birch

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2009 - Advance Australia Fair

In our 2009 edition, Pandora’s Box invited contributors to submit papers examining a wide range of social, political and legal reforms in the face of climate change, rapid population growth, the worldwide economic crisis and community pressure for change.


Laura Hogarth   Yii Fen Tan


Stephen Keim SC • Heather Douglas and Dr Tamara Walsh • Elizabeth Harvey • Sina Hutton • Samuel Volling • Nicole Choolun • Nicholas Elias • Thomas GT Graham

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2008 - In the Service of Justice

In keeping with the Pandora’s Box 2008 theme “in the service of justice”, contributors were invited to submit papers examining the people, processes and institutions that serve justice, as well as the meaning and relationship of justice and law. 


Laura Hogarth   Eleanor Proust


The Hon Justice Michael Kirby •  The Hon Justice Margaret McMurdo AC • Stephen Keim SC • Aaron Rathmell • Professor George Williams • Professor Margaret Thornton • David Morrison and Clare Cappa • Sanmati Verma • Anita Clifford • Rachel Docker • Nora Götzmann

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2007 - Look the world straight in the eye

The 2007 issue of Pandora's Box was named for Helen Keller's enduring advice:

"Never bend your head
Always hold it high
Look the world straight in the eye."


Thy Nguyen   Nina Valentine


The Hon Justice Debra Mullins • Clare Cappa • Dr Rachel Baird • Magistrate Di Fingleton • Rohan Price • Yasmin Gunn • Professor Loane Skene • Professor Rachel Field • Irene Watson • Neroli Holmes • Jo-Anne Bragg • Neha Chhatbar • Yii Fen Tan • Wylie Nunn

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2006 - Women & Peace

The 2006 edition was inspired by the International Women’s Day celebration “Women Striving for a Peaceful Society," and aimed to recognise that although peace is still not a reality for many women throughout the world, there are many dedicated individuals striving for a peaceful society both in Australia and internationally. We hope that reading the 2006 edition of Pandora’s Box not only provokes consideration of the daily struggles of many women towards peace but also inspires action as exemplified by the women identified within this edition. 


Gail Blaber   Bridget Daly


Chris Henderson • Maree Klemm • Elisabeth Porter • Ann Black • Barbara Sullivan • Holly Kluver • Louise Stevanovic • Melody Kemp • Breanna Hamilton • Neha Chhatbar • Tristan Fitzgerald

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2005 - Women of the world

This edition of Pandora’s Box highlighted and gave praise to “Women of the World”. From women’s rights in Indonesia to girls as child soldiers, the 2005 edition of Pandora’s Boxhighlighted important issues on an international level as well as within Australia. Essays from the WATL Magistrates program were also published. These essays covered thought-provoking issues from judicial discretion to the effectiveness of the Murri Court and Drug Court in Brisbane.


Jessica Cameron  Holly Kluver  Penny Allman-Payne


Hilary Charlesworth • Dr Mark Zirnsak • Dorne Boniface • Dr Pamela Nilan Prahastiwi Utari • Jennifer Zeng • Prof. Madhu Dandavate • Megan Breen • Jessica Howley • Bridget Daly • Tamlyn Mills • Kathryn Purcell • Evita Ymer 

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2004 - power and justice

This year’s articles investigated topics as varied as comparative terrorism laws, the boundaries of religious freedom, stolen wages, women in developing East Timor and the Australian sex industry. There are also articles from legal practitioners that provide inspiration and reinforce the importance of careful examination of the social implications of the law and the way it is practiced.


Laura Cameron  Ruth Catts   Revel Pointon


Oahn Tran • Julian Burnside QC • Mary Graham • Nicky Jones •  Jennifer Batrouney SC • Susan Harris Rimmer • Christine Howes • Janelle Fawkes • Helen McEniery • Ben Bertoldi

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2003 - Different women, different lives, same struggle

The 2003 theme “Different Women, Different Lives, Same Struggle” recognised that despite the significant differences in the status of women across the world all women share a universal struggle for equality. From as far as Iran to Indonesia contributions were received encouraging proactivity and highlighting the responsibility of women in changing the world.


Megan Breen  Amy Lee  Catherine McDougall  Katrina Piva


Jacqueline Jago • Trudy Jacobsen • Prof. Margaret Reynolds • Helen McEniery • Nisha Bajpe • Lynda Blanchard • Kirstie Marshall MLA • Golrokh Jahanshahrad • Debbie Kilroy • Nina Nurmila • Senator Natasha Stott Despoja • Liz MacKinlay, Kristy Thatcher and Camille Seldon • Carla Klease and Kirsten Hagon • Robyn Lamsam • Kim Rubenstein • Dr. Seyed Javad Emamjomehzadeh and Houri Jahanshahrad • Sarah McCosker  • Philippa Hall Victoria Lenton


2002 - Women around the globe

This edition welcomed alternative forms of expression namely poetry and reviews as well as featuring contributions that profess an expansive range of perspectives on women’s relationships with the law, dovetailing general themes of emerging norms of human rights law in addition to touching on environmental concerns.


Katarina Konkoly  • Zara Spencer  Tiffany Stephenson


Zenovia Pappas  • Katie Sutton and Jayne Huckerby • MTC Cronin • Lee Galloway • Desire Timngum • Susan Gail Harris • Helen Liebling and Shilu Shah • Kirsten Macey • Susan Gail Harris • Michelle Butler

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2001 - International human rights

This year Pandora’s Box extended its horizons to a transnational focus: international human rights. WATL drew together contributors from women in diverse sectors of society, including the judiciary, the diplomatic corps, the police service, academia, non-governmental organisations and politics. The journal provided a forum for women’s reflections on a range of local and national issues: women and policing in our community, legal aid, justice for women in Australia and international human rights obligations.


Nicky Jones • Sarah McCosker  Tiffany Stephenson


Cheryl Kernot MP • Dr Suzanne Dixon • Sergeant Maree Foelz • Vivienne Wynter • Justice Roslyn Atkinson • Justice Margaret McMurdo • Senator Vicki Bourne • Prof. Margaret Reynolds • Prof. Hilary Charlesworth •  Senator Vicki Bourne • Katarina Månsson • High Commissioner designate Penny Wensley • Jessie Wells • Louise Paw • Hamid Mirza 

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2000 - Women & the new millenium

The topics of violence, rape and prostitution were the focus of this year’s edition. Pandora’s Box assembled a wide variety of styles from authors with some very different backgrounds. For the first time the winning entry from the WATL student paper competition was included. Abstracts from the other entries were included in recognition of the quality of entries received.


Kate Deere • Megan Hirst  Suzanne Marlow


The Hon. Justice Debra Mullins • Susan Halliday and Sabina Lauber • Natasha Stott Despoja • Marilyn Lake • Susanna Lobez • Sarah McCosker • Annie Cossin • Hannah McGlade • Belinda Carpenter • Cubby Fox • Johanna Gibson • Nicky Jones • Helen McEniery • Suzanne Marlow

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1998 - Age of advancement

This year we were fortunate to have collected articles from contributors with distinctly different roles within the law- High Court Justice, academic, barrister and police officer. Their varied perspectives converged in this publication, producing a timely reminder of one indisputable truth- women in the law cannot lapse into complacency and resigned indifference. Women involved in the law must persevere in their criticisms of how the law impacts upon women in the various roles they play in both the private and public sphere.


Marie Foyle  • Katie Curchin


The Hon. Justice Mary Gaudron  • Anne C. Thacker • Eileen Baldry • Sergeant Lisa Roiser

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1995 - life and the law

In its second edition, Pandora’s Box focused on providing a forum where issues relating to women and their participation in the law could be presented and debated. In recognition of the plurality of experience, articles discussing problematic or largely unrecognised areas of the law and their effects on women were discussed.


Kristin Natalier • Alan King


Sabina Lauber • Susan Harris • Dahlia Eissa Zoe Farmer • Robyn Mills • Natalie Hamilton Rhonda Penny • Bernadette Rogerson Ruth Mortimer

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1994 - Pandora's Box

The first edition of Pandora’s Box was launched in September 1994. Inspired by the eponymous Greek myth, the editors saw Pandora as an inquisitive heroine, fearless in her search for answers. Like the fabled artefact, delving into complex legal research, especially on issues of reform can often lead to unexpected and difficult results - or lead one down a rabbit hole of questions - but instead of shying away from these challenges, the Women and the Law Society saw Pandora's Box as a means of celebrating the inquisitive and critical nature of the legal mind.